The ALGOFEED project was at the 6th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA), focusing on Internet and Big Data in Economics and Social Sciences, and held in Valencia, Spain, 26 – 28 June, 2024.

ALGOFEED was presented in a poster session and within a panel on Digital Economic Governance; both have been published in the proceedings of the conference:

Punziano, G.; Gandini, A.; Caliandro, A.; Airoldi, M.; Padricelli, G.M.; Acampa, S.; Trezza, D.; Crescentini, N.; Rama, I. 2024. Eliciting and Retrieving the Feedback-Loop. Exploring Elicitation Interview Techniques for Detecting Algorithmic Feedback on Social Media and Cultural Consumption. In: 6th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2024). Valencia, 26-28 June 2024.

Punziano, G.; Gandini, A.; Caliandro, A.; Airoldi, M.; Padricelli, G.M.; Acampa, S.; Trezza, D.; Crescentini, N.; Rama, I. 2024. The Algofeed project. A methodological proposal to assessing the effects of algorithmic recommendations on platformized consumption.. In: 6th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2024). Valencia, 26-28 June 2024.